Made from Cuban cigar rollers of the highest category, these cigars combine the best of different countries. The earthy wood notes are paired with creamy sweetness and leather.
Hemmy's cigars has already received several awards from prestigious cigar magazines.
The cigars are made entirely by hand in the ABAM manufactory, in Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic. The Cuban & Dominican tobacco artists, make these cigars from selected tobaccos from the world's best growing regions.
The HEMMY'S cigars are characterized by a pleasant creamy aroma at medium strength. To the initial notes of wood, earth and a mad cream, come in the further course of smoking a nuance of tobacco sweetness, cereals and coffee.
Remarkable maturity potential
Due to the tobaccos used, the cigars have enormous aging potential.
Currently already perfect to smoke, these cigars will change. Similar to wine, the flavors will become even more intense through the maturation storage.
All Hemmy's are packed in high quality solid - wooden boxes.
Have fun discovering!